How to Defy Odds and Conquer Your Fears

I believe we all can agree, 2020 presented us with some events that seemed like they came straight from a horror flick. I know experiencing fears, challenges, and/or obstacles are inevitable, but last year really did a number on us all, worldwide. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with a global pandemic, the aftermath of social unrest, and a climate of racial divide all while trying to maintain a sense of purpose and balance.

For some, the before mentioned don’t even scratch the surface of the trials they have had to face or overcome.

What do you do when you recognize your will to live is greater than your past upsets or start to feel the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders?

Affirming iMUST may be one of the greatest tools you can add to your toolbox.

Incorporating iMUST into your daily affirmations is an easy way to train your thoughts, cultivate willpower, restore motivation, and maintain a sense of control in order to live a purpose driven life, especially when it appears that the odds are against you and fear is present.

What does ‘iMUST’ mean?

By our definition, iMUST means to defy the odds that are set before you and conquer fears that arise from within. It is a sworn obligation or commitment to oneself to rise above.

It’s an affirmation that can be used daily, matter of fact throughout the day. Affirmations are positive phrases or statements used to counter negative and unhelpful thoughts. They can help reprogram your mind and beliefs to incite healing, peace, and wholeness. We all know the saying, “Where the mind goes the body will follow.” Although we cannot prevent life challenges from happening, we can mindfully navigate our way toward the vision we so desire for our life.

Does iMUST come with an instruction guide

I am so glad you asked.

  1. Acknowledge your fears, challenges and/or obstacles
  2. Identify goals you would like to accomplish if fears, challenges and/or obstacles were not present
  3. Say “iMUST” at the beginning of each item listed in Step 2.
  4. Repeat your iMUST affirmation daily and as many times as you need throughout the day in order for your subconscious mind to instruct unhelpful behavior to change into positive action.

Example Me, Please.

  1. Know that I am not my past mistake (forgiving self and live in the Now)
  2. Conquer fears of failing and put forth effort to reach my goals (fear of rejection)
  3. Remember greater is me in times of weakness ( strength during weakness)
  4. Recognize that my life has meaning and its purposeful (perseverance & purpose over perception of circumstance)
  5. Take back responsible of my own healing (get the help I need to win at life)
  • iMUST Know that I am not my past mistake
  • iMUST Conquer fears of failing and put forth effort to reach my goals
  • iMUST Remember greater is me in times of weakness
  • iMUST Recognize that my life has meaning and its purposeful
  • iMUST Take back responsible of my own healing

So let’s do an exercise together. Complete the sentence.


See, that wasn’t so bad after all. When you declare iMUST and commit to yourself to achieve an intended goal despite what the odds against you may look like, your dreams will become a reality.

Start your iMUST journey today.

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