About Us

Defy the odds and conquer fears.

Are you ready to spark confidence and eliminate doubt?

Finding will power daily to live a purpose-driven life can be a challenge for many, especially when it appears that the odds are against you and fear is inevitably present. iMUST has taken the lead when it comes to coaching fears into confidence and turning obstacles into a pathway of a lifestyle full of meaning.

Having passion for everyone to see and reach their full potential, iMUST has built a name for themselves by simply finding new ways to engage and motivate those to reach scaleable goals, knock down barriers, and live life with a purpose. Beginning with a simple mission of encouraging others, iMUST set out to empower the culture to defy the odds, conquer fears, and rise above all limitations.

Meet Your iMust Guide

Welcome to iMust. I am Tonya Taylor, the Founder and guide for the iMust community. 

I am from a small town in East Texas called Carthage. Being raised in a small town didn’t exempt me from experiencing my share of childhood trauma.

As a pathway to create an opportunity for myself, I joined the US Military at the age of 17. Over the years, I realized that no matter how far I travel, the level of social status I may reach, how much education and finances I may acquire, it does not exempt me from going through obstacles and facing fears. More importantly, it created a pathway for me to witness the great power of affirmations and declaring iMUST.

I launched iMUST in 2017 after realizing life two options, allow life blows to knock you down and keep you there or pick yourself up by affirming your will-power and strength in order to gain the confidence needed to win. Every day requires affirming, some more so than others.

Tonya Smith
The Reason to Believe

The iMust Mission

I believe the ability to affirm our willpower in the midst of unforeseen trials or tribulations solidifies our faith and gives us the strength to continue to live. That means you’ve realized that there is a one letter difference between the words attacked and attached. You’ve made an obligation to yourself that you will not allow the things that attacked you be attached to you and prevent you to live life on purpose.

That’s the power of affirmations.

iMUST is an affirmation that I say daily. It means to defy the odds that are presented before me and conquer fears that arise from within. It’s an obligation; a sworn statement and commitment to oneself to rise above.

iMUST came to me at a time when I needed it the most. The accumulation of the weight that I had been carrying from childhood plus present day trauma had me in a sunken place: I couldn’t recognize myself or my purpose. I knew I had a fight on me hands, Me against Me.

Everyday I sought to integrate faith and affirmed intentions to my daily routine. Everyday I became more empowered after declaring iMUST of some sort. iMUST know that I am not past mistakes. iMUST focus on my wellbeing, iMUST persevere, iMUST not be fearful to explore my potential, iMUST not give up on myself, iMUST believe in me… and before I knew it, the weight that I’d been carrying was a lot lighter and my days were more peaceful and productive.

iMUST is so much bigger than just me affirming my willpower, it’s about building a community of people that were chosen to defy the odds despite limitations. You were chosen.

How iMust Helped Others

iMUST Impact Stories

Wife, Mother, US Army Reserve Captain, Ph.D Student

As a person that wears many hats, I renew my strength by incorporating mandatory personal time in my schedule. Rather it is for five minutes or an hour, I sit still, give my Creator praise and count my blessings. I draw my power from maintaining a relationship with God and good communication with family. Of course, I get tired because of my demanding, yet rewarding schedule. I am still learning to prioritize my time, ask for help, and recognize that it takes a team. I want my legacy to be that I treated people like I wanted to be treated, encouraged those whom I encountered, and that I did my best. My message to those that wear many hats is that it’s ok to admit you need help and make space to release frustrations. Every day I say, “iMUST renew my strength.”

– T. Johnson


Breast Cancer Survivor, Mother, Grandmother

I am a survivor! I had cancer, cancer did not have me. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, fear of the unknown began to take over my thoughts and leaked over into my emotions. Nothing else mattered, but everything second became invaluable. My faith was tested and tried. I have experienced a lot of obstacles in my life, and I made it through them all; I was determined and remained hopeful that this would not be any different. Everyday I declared iMUST. Everyday, I geared up spiritually, mentally, and emotionally to fight the biggest battle of my life. Through it all from feeling weak, alone, and afraid, the hardest part was fighting the battles in my mind. I won. I am here to say that I am a survivor. My message to those that receive a bad health report is that I know it can be scary and you are not alone. Take one day at a time and don’t give up.

– Loretta Taylor

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